when a user would use the manual dial on a car’s navigation system to compose the destination address in a cumbersome manner by selecting one character at a time.
By Bala Kumar
Although most insurers understand the importance of digital transformation, (many are implementing self-service features, agent access and mobile apps) one area that is often overlooked is digital marketing.
By Sundar Vallinayagam
While attending the IASA Annual Educational Conference and Business Show, there were several presentations and panel discussions that focused on digital transformation.
By Sundar Vallinayagam
Digital giants like Amazon, Facebook, Netflix and Uber have transformed the way people interact, engage and purchase products and services. Driven by customer demand, banks and financial service companies have made significant progress in digital capabilities.
By Sundar Vallinayagam
It is not unusual to find carrier backend systems that date back to the 1980's and 1990's. As much as they are mission critical to the carriers's operations, they are also inflexible and have a large impact on business agility.
By Sundar Vallinayagam
Emerging technologies that can finally make online payment safe and secure. An important self-service feature that is supported by almost all insurance carriers is the ability for the policyholder to make a payment online via the carrier's website or mobile app.
By Sundar Vallinayagam
In a recent interview the Deputy Director of the NSA, Mr. Richard Ledgett, said that “If you are connected to the Internet, you are vulnerable to determined nation-state attackers” citing security incidents such as the Sony hack. He added “As everybody in the world becomes more connected with computers and information systems, the vulnerabilities are going up.”
By Sundar Vallinayagam
As the mobile revolution marches on, Insurers are under pressure to provide anytime, anywhere capability to their agents. What this means is that the tasks that agents are able to complete from their office, must also be able to be completed using their smartphones even when they are not in the office.
By Sundar Vallinayagam